We have 3 new horses staying at Tuell Farm in middle field called Dino, Angus and Poppet. The other horses were very excited to see them but these three new friends were rather pleased with the grass, so just put their heads down and ate very happily in their new field.
Henny Penny (shown here at the back with the floppy comb!) should really have an award for bravery, as she has lost her tail to a fox 3 times, and to a young sheepdog very recently. She tends to wander off by herself, which i think is how she becomes the tasty snack, but she must have a very good method of escape as she has survived to tell the tale (or tail) many times! What a brave girl. The hens have started to lay properly now…it must have been all those Easter eggs that set them laying.
Also shown in the photo is King George the cockerel, who is very friendly, and his wife (well, one of them!) Ebony.